Smiles Worldwide
Five years after Belles Familles, Jean-Louis Saporito traveled to Guatemala and Thailand, to Lebanon and Poland… Everywhere, he found the same strength for living that shines from each page.
« What is common to a destitute New Yorker from the Bronx, who lives in the capital of the society of abundance and who lives on welfare, and a citizen of Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in the World, for whom the evening meal is uncertain ? […]
Pali, the shopkeeper in a shantytown in Bangkok; Sylvester, father of ten children and tenant of a run-down apartment in Warsaw; Yolla, who lives alone in a one-room apartment in a neighborhood of Beirut; Ismaël, who squats a shack made of sheet metal with his family and who works in the Guatemala City garbage dump; For each one of them, daily life is made up of suffering, of the urgency to satisfy essential needs and of anguish faced with an uncertain future. […]
In the countries I visited, all of the families had something in common : the obsession with their children’s future, and therefore their education. What keeps them from hitting rock bottom is the hopeful expectation that all their struggles will give their children tools for a better life than the one they had. […]
They were all happy to pose for the photos. »
Jean-Louis Saporito was a special correspondent for television news for 20 years. He headed the news agency “Point du Jour” from 1988 to 1999.
This book is available in French and Spanish
Pour commander au Royaume Uni.