How poverty separates parents and children
Because of ATD Fourth World’s grassroots projects supporting very poor families, the United Nations awarded a grant to ATD Fourth World toward e study of the situations separating poor families, and of some possible solutions.
A challenge to human rights
This document is a journey.
A journey to six countries around the world : Guatemala, Haïti, Burkina Faso, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
A journey into the lives of some of the very poorest families in these countries.
A journey that, despite the diversity among these countries, brings us back each time to the same hope of very poor parents and children to be able to live together, despite all the forces that combine to separate them.
A journey that brings us back each time to the strength and protection family members can offer one another un the face of destitution.
Many things can be learned from this document, but foremost among them is perhaps the realization of how many hidden efforts parents and children in extreme poverty make in order to stay together.
In efforts to protect their children very poor parents continually find themselves faced with unfair and inhuman choices in their daily life. […]
What il building on the aspiration of parents and children to live together enabled us once and for all to put an end to extreme poverty ?
Extraits de la préface de Nitin Desai, Under-Secretar-General United Nations
This book is available in French.